Rain stopped play
The Feast of the Goat BarBQ celebrating two years of book club was cancelled due to inclement weather. Instead we met at the Alwyne near Highbury Corner.
We discussed The Feast of the Goat.
Mr Clifford - "docu novel"
Mr Earley - "it's galloping..."
Mr Ackland - "dictatorship...I can't get enough of it"
DA 6/10, BA 6/10, BC, 6.5/10, RE 6/10, PG 6.5/10 - AVERAGE = 6.2
...and Chavez Ravine.
Mr Clifford - "...Saturday morning when doing scrambled eggs"
Mr Adam - "...Felix - he f#cking loves that album"
Mr Ackland - "Three cool cats? F#ck off!". "whole album justified by track nine"
Mr Adam chose Roxy Music Country Life.
Mr Earley chose William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury.
Other recommendations:
Love in the Time of Cholera
In Cold Blood
Mambo Sinuendo
just had a look at Sound and the... and it had editorial NOTES throughout the text!! bloody hell it'll be like bloody Nabokov... gotta either look for another edition or suggest a change to the OTHER book I bought today...
The Prince - Machiavelli !!
it has the appropriate shortness and is only £4!! however, just a thought...
also, forget Mambo Sinuendo (too similar and not good enough) - Ry Cooder is best as a guiding force, a collaborator (why'd i not think of that last night?) and his best collaboration is surely A Meeting By the River with VS Bhatt.
till next time
blimey - had to login and let you know I'D tried this blog malarkey after i read Joe's!!
can i ask you ignore it (easy to do)?
I worte it while slightly drunk or hyper and it ain't funny. Couldn't find my tone.... maybe i'll figure a way of deleting the posts...
Yeah A Meeting by the River is great. OK The Prince. Can you email the gang?
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